Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Toy story 3

Semalam last minute membuat keputusan untuk menonton Toy Story 3! Ayumi yang excited nak tengok, walaupun takde la paham pon kan.. Dia cuma excited untuk makan popcorn and minum apple juice :P

"Buat senaman terlebih dahulu sementara menunggu ayah beli tiket! Yeay!"

The movie was so touching i would say, gile ok nak nangis! Nasib baik boleh tahan air mata daripada gugur (GUGUR?!) .. tapi memang! The ending scene memang sedih sgt! :'(

"ibu, this is not toy story 3"

Bila tengok toy story, baru lah terasa nak menghargai semua permainan yang pernah kita ada.. serious, I used to have so many toys!... tapi satu pon aku tak ingat! Kalau lah permainan itu benar2 bernyawa... mesti diorang sedihkan dpt owner mcm aku!.. isk isk..

By the way, it was fun to watch movie... the ending pun touching, since Andy has grown up kan.. but Andy still remember how to play with all of this toys for the very last time before he enters college... :')

Oh toys, where r u now?

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