Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Nasi Goreng USA + ayumi high fever

Sebenarnye dah banyak kali masak nasi goreng USA daging ni.. tp baru skang teringat snap gambar hehe... before this lps masak je terus ngapppppp.... bile dh abis.. baru laa.. alaa lupe nk snap gmbar haha!

Simple and delicious!! Nasi Goreng USA daging

Sedap ni wehh hahaha... ok la tu... nk simple and fast dinner kan... :p

hmm... ayumi plak demam panas... dh 2 hari nih... risau pon ado... just bg ubat demam and letak cool fever atas dahi dia.... hopefully she quickly recovered. Poor her!!

cepat sembuh! bole gi jejalan!!

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